My musical passion project!

Yesterday I took the day to myself to work on a passion project that has been bouncing around in my head lately — to design and share my own beginner piano book!

I know there are a lot of beginner books on the market already, but every time I use them I end up making supplemental material to fill in gaps I find along my students’ learning journeys.

Why not have fun making my own?

The nice thing about passion projects is that they’re something for you to experiment and play around with, with no pressure or deadline to bring it to market. I have no idea if I’ll end up releasing the book — for me the value is just in experimenting, creating, and finding an avenue to express my passion for early piano education!

I value creative exploration of passion projects so much that I have a longstanding tradition of reserving my birthday for just this kind of work! I take my birthday off of work so I can playfully experiment with whatever big ideas have been bouncing around my head.

I’ve found that dedicating time to passion projects actually helps me clarify where I’d like to be in life. Case in point: my passion project last year was to have fun sketching out layouts and designs for my dream online piano school — a dream I got to see become reality when I launched Piano with Sarah this year! I never would have seen this dream come true if I hadn’t taken those first creative steps just pulling my imagination down into real life.

So for those of you who have a dream project floating around in your head, if you need a sign to pursue it, here it is! Carve out a block of time to just play with it! You never know where it might lead :)


First steps in designing a beginner piano book


Five reasons I prefer an electric piano