Authentic motivation, Joyful practice Sarah Cashmore Authentic motivation, Joyful practice Sarah Cashmore

A tour of my piano space!

You can tell a lot about a person’s musical goals and values by what they choose to keep at their piano. The way a person maintains their space, and the music or trinkets they keep around, can reveal their personality and influence their mindset when they play. I find it so interesting to see how each persons’ piano layout is different. Today, I thought it could be fun to give you a tour of my own piano setup.

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Authentic motivation, Joyful practice Sarah Cashmore Authentic motivation, Joyful practice Sarah Cashmore

When being consistent derailed my productivity

If you’re familiar with my channel, you'll know that I try to encourage authenticity and personal motivation when showing up to your piano. I try to dismantle rigid expectations of strict routines and following other people's expectations, in favour of a personalized, heart-led approach to learning piano.

I created this post to let you know that this is a lesson that I'm continually learning myself.

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Lessons I learned about creativity from starting a YouTube channel

Over my last two years of creating social media content on learning piano, I've learned a lot about the process and benefits of creativity.

Believe it or not, these lessons are also applicable to people who are interested in being creative at their pianos!

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Dealing with boredom

It's really common for piano learners to try to stifle or ignore any boredom they experience while studying piano. But is that a good thing to do?

When I started paying closer attention to the source of my boredom, I learned to see it as an important indicator of how aligned my actions were with my true goals.

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