Find your next steps with the flashlight metaphor

Today I’d like to share a metaphor that has been helpful for me in times when I have big goals and dreams ahead of me but I’m not sure how to get there. 

If you’re anything like me, you may like to have a step-by-step plan for how you’re going to get from Point A to Point B. But the problem is that with bigger goals, those steps aren’t always clear. Those steps aren’t always possible to know in advance – especially if you’re trying something new (like learning piano!). 

Not knowing your way can then lead to some stress and panic – feelings we don’t want anywhere near our piano! So what do we do?

Someone shared a metaphor with me that I’ve found very helpful that I like to pass on to my piano students. The metaphor is of a flashlight.

Imagine that this moment of indecision is a dark forest. You want to travel through this dark forest, but you can’t see very far ahead of you. The only light you have to guide you with is a flashlight. 

The flashlight will not show you the far end of the forest. It will only show you the very next step. But the very next step is the only one you really need! In fact, the only way through the dark forest is through a series of very next steps. So that flashlight is all you really need to guide you!

So when I’m facing a big challenge or goal and I’m not sure how to get there, I use the flashlight metaphor to calm and focus my mind. I quiet myself and I ask myself, “What is my internal flashlight telling me my next possible step could be?” And it’s amazing – every time I’ve ever faced indecision, this flashlight metaphor has helped me figure out at least one possible step I can take toward my goal. 

I use this in piano lessons, too, especially when students are learning a new song. When you have a new song ahead of you, it can be really overwhelming. You see all these new notes and you’re not really sure how to start, and you can start to panic because you’ve got so much to figure out! 

So when my students get discouraged or overwhelmed, I use the flashlight metaphor. I ask them to focus their mind and think about what their own personal flashlight is showing them their next possible step could be. 

I’ve had success with this every time. No matter how frustrated the student is, they’re always able to think of one thing they could do next. And it’s such a relief to students because all of a sudden their new piece isn’t this big, chaotic mess anymore – now they have a step forward. 

And they figured this next step out themselves!! This is another thing I love about this metaphor – it helps my students learn to trust their inner sense of guidance, instead of relying on my instruction too much. It empowers my students, builds their confidence, and best of all? It reveals to them the capable musician they really are. Best feedback loop.

I hope this metaphor is as helpful to you as it has been to me.

What’s your internal flashlight telling you your next possible step could be today? Because that one next step is all you really need :) 

Good luck!


Learning piano with ADHD


Piano lessons often get the feedback loop backwards