Do you have questions about songwriting?

I'm ready to start planning my next online workshop and I'd like the topic to be songwriting! If this sounds interesting to you, you could really help me out by providing me some feedback.

Here’s what I’d love to know from you:

How long should I make this workshop? Would you prefer a quick, one-hour overview of the process and elements of songwriting, or a multi-week course where we actually go through the process together?

What questions and concerns do you have about songwriting that I should address? The more I know about what you’d like to learn, the better and more tailored I can make this workshop.

The above video explains a bit more about where I’m coming from and what I hope to learn from you. To provide me your feedback, please leave a comment on this video (will open YouTube in a new tab).

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm excited to learn together again! 🤩


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